Sunday, March 22, 2015

Body By Derby: Nashville Rollergirls

Body By Derby is a figure study of active derby athletes to show the different body types of active skaters and the physical effects derby has on the players. This entry features skaters from Nashville Rollergirls. More pictures can be found at Cory's website. Get future updates on Facebook by following The Rollergirl Project.


From Left: Cole Hearted, Phantom Power, Gnarley Quinn, Fleur de Lethal, Jigglewatts, Lady Fury, Suzy Ho'maker, Seam Ripper, Duncan GoNutz, and Tear o'Bite


BBD-1566 Name Cole Hearted
Age 30
Children 3 (Ages 12,10,7)
Height 5' 7"
Weight 152 lbs
Weight before derby 164 lbs
Started Fall 2010
Key Position Offensive & Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 7 to 10 hours
Other Workout All things gym, other sports(volleyball & softball)
Diet I actually just try to watch what I eat... Trying not to over eat and not to consume too much crap. Protein shakes and meal in a cup(smoothies) for replacement meals. I love food, so the harder I work the more variety I get. I also enjoy a beer or 2 when I want.
Laps in 5 minutes 32 laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience I have always done sports. I am an extremely active person. Love to see what the outdoors has to offer. State parks, hiking and all things in between.


BBD-1718 Name Phantom Power
Age 24
Children None
Height 5' 7"
Weight 145 lbs
Weight before derby 155 lbs
Started May 2011
Key Position Jammer
Practice time per week 17 to 19 hours
Other Workout TRX, Kettle Bell. Free Weights. Some running and outdoor skating.
Diet No, I just try to make sure I carb before exercising and protein after.
Laps in 5 minutes 33 1/2 laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience Volleyball mostly, indoor and sand


BBD-1502 Name Gnarley Quinn
Age 26
Children Jovi, a Cavalier King Charles who is my world!
Height 5' 6"
Weight 170 lbs
Weight before derby 211 lbs
Started Rec league for about 6 months in 2012, and passed my skills test September 23rd, 2012
Key Position Offensive & Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 8.5 to 10.5 hours a week
Other Workout Kettle bell, weight training, the occasional kickboxing/MMA class when we don't have practice
Diet Mostly fresh salads and sandwiches. No fried or greasy food, and no fast food. A protein shake with almond milk most mornings and usually a tablespoon or two of peanut butter every night.
Laps in 5 minutes 30 laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience Volleyball and basketball in Jr High and High School.


BBD-1474 Name Fleur de Lethal
Age 29
Children None
Height 5' 4"
Weight 135 lbs
Weight before derby 155 lbs
Started Started going to Rec League in June of 2013, passed the skills test in September of 2013 but didn't get to participate in my first scrimmage until February 2014
Key Position Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 8 to 9 hours
Other Workout I do high intensity interval training (HIIT) stuff like tabata, some cardio, lift weights, circuit training and go to kickboxing classes periodically. My favorite is a class I just recently started going to. It's an hour long kickboxing class that incorporates circuit training in the workout. It involves more aggression and intensity than the other workouts I do, which I hope will eventually translate onto the track.

I don't follow this strictly or perfectly, but I try to eat mostly whole, natural foods and complex carbs and stay away from refined sugars and processed foods. My largest meals are in the morning, and get smaller throughout the day. I also don't drink sodas. Only water, almond milk, and fresh fruit juice.
It's been difficult, because the way I grew up eating was so different. I'm from Lake Charles, LA, in the southwestern part of the state. Corn and rice were considered vegetables and meals commonly consisted of things like seafood stuffed into meat which might be stuffed into another meat, fried and served over rice with some type of sauce or gravy. Being in the derby community around so many fit, athletic women has really inspired me to be more careful about what I put in my body.

Laps in 5 minutes 31 laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience Played soccer in high school and rugby for a little while in college. I didn't stick with either of those as long as I've stuck with roller derby however, I also did marching band in high school and college (10 years total). Does that count?


BBD-1657 Name Jigglewatts
Age 27
Children None
Height 5' 2''
Weight 145 lbs
Weight before derby 133 lbs
Started 2012
Key Position Jammer & Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 9 hours
Other Workout I lift weights twice a week and do some type of cardio at least once a week. I also do yoga when I'm feeling stressed out.
Diet I try to eat mainly whole foods and vegetables twice a day. I try to stay away from processed foods and keep my added sugars to a minimum.
Laps in 5 minutes Record is 30 laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience None. I played one semester of intramural softball in college. I was particularly bad at it.


BBD-1749 Name Lady Fury
Age 32
Children None
Height 5' 3"
Weight 118-120 lbs
Weight before derby 156 lbs
Started March 2006
Key Position Jammer, Offensive  & Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 9 hours
Other Workout I love kettle bell, TRX, and interval training!! I am up for anything active though and I love learning new things! I am a personal trainer and the head trainer at a fitness studio called Orangetheory Fitness. I teach the classes and take them myself 3-4 times a week. They are hour long classes with cardio, rowing, and an assortment of weight goodies. TRX straps, bosu, dumbells, medicine balls, etc. Its interval heart rate training and I attribute the majority of my strength to this philosophy!!

I try and keep it "Clean and Lean"... most of the time. I try and eat as much protein and veggies as possible!! The less processed the better!!! I never, ever skip breakfast its the most important meal of the day, although it is usually in the form of a protein (30g) shake with spinach + a boiled egg. That gets the metabolism going, and I eat healthy snacks just about every two hours. I usually have an actual meal for dinner chicken, tuna, veggies, and quinoa is a good example of a typical dinner at home. I must admit I am a foodie, so I definitely indulge out here and there... so its even more important to keep up with my fitness regime!!!
I am also a big supplement fan. I takes tons to help my body get nutrients I may not get from food.

Laps in 5 minutes 33.75 - 34 laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience Not a whole lot. I played on a couple church teams as a teenager. Soccer and volleyball. I was more of a theater gal... then I found derby. It changed my life. I lost weight, got super fit, and learned how to take care of my body!! Now my entire life is around fitness and athletics!! I’m feeling the best I have ever felt and plan on keeping it up so I'm healthy, stronger, fit, and smarter... for longer!!!


BBD-1692 Name Suzy Ho'maker
Age 44
Children Ages 10, 13 and 16
Height 5' 3"
Weight 160 lbs
Weight before derby ?
Started Summer 2008
Key Position Offensive & Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 6½ hours Also coach juniors 2 times a week
Other Workout I do kettlebell
Diet Everything I like in moderation.
Laps in 5 minutes 29½ laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience None


BBD-1520 Name Seam Ripper
Age 22
Children None
Height 5' 4"
Weight 155 lbs
Weight before derby 140 lbs
Started August 2014
Key Position Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 10 hours
Other Workout Minimal weights. Working on doing more.
Diet I practically never eat out. But when i do it's never fast food.
Laps in 5 minutes 28.5 laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience None. I worked at a skating rink for 4 years. But I've never participated in a sport or anything athletic before derby.


BBD-1601 Name Duncan GoNutz
Age 33
Children 2 daugters, ages 2 and 8
Height 5' 6”
Weight 220 lbs
Weight before derby 240 lbs
Started 6/9/2013
Key Position Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 15+ hours
Other Workout I lift weights 3-4 times a week for 1 hour each time. If the weather allows I outdoor Nature skate 8 miles in 1.25 hrs.
Diet I have Celiac sprue, which is the bad celiac. So I follow a strict gluten free diet. I'm particular about my food sources as well so it's mostly seasonal local organic GMO free.
Laps in 5 minutes 27 laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience I was a cheerleader in high school for one semester, and that is all the "sports" I've participated in. Was never an athlete or one to run or work out. I took a weights class in high school and loved it. But hadn't done any weight training prior to derby since high school.


BBD-1425 Name Tear o'Bite
Age 33
Children None
Height 5’ 8”
Weight 175 lbs
Weight before derby 185 lbs
Started 2011
Key Position Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 11 hours
Other Workout Weights and dynamic movement.
Diet If food tastes good I eat it.
Laps in 5 minutes 31 laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience 9 years of martial arts



Sunday, March 8, 2015

Body By Derby: Dutchland Derby Rollers

Body By Derby is a figure study of active derby athletes to show the different body types of active skaters and the physical effects derby has on the players. This entry features skaters from Dutchland Derby Rollers. More pictures can be found at Cory's website. Get future updates on Facebook by following The Rollergirl Project.
From Left Standing:  Sistine Shrapnel, Metaphor Shadow, Harper's Fury, Laverne N. Surly, Matzah Maulher, Pain Train, Starsky Anne Dutch, Lurz Lemon, Thrill Murray, Ida Myzer, Porsche Bloxter, Vanitti, and Mega Pixel
From Left Seated: Mya Psychosis, Kid Daver, The Spanish Incollision, and Jocelyn Bassler


BBD-0667 Name Sistine Shrapnel
Age 33
Children Lonna-7 Caiden-10
Height 5' 4"
Weight 170 lbs
Weight before derby I cant remember it was almost 7 years ago!
Started May 2008
Key Position Jammer & Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 6 hours on skates
Other Workout I weight train, do cardio, and Yoga.
Diet I am a Vegetarian, and Gluten free. We also stay away from processed foods, and buy only organic fruits and veggies, as well as raw organic milk, cheese, butter, and honey. We have our own ducks and chickens so we get fresh organic eggs daily.
Laps in 5 minutes Oh gosh I don’t know, our last assessment when I would have been my fastest I was on new skates, plates, and wheels for the first time :)
Previous Athletic Experience Soccer for 8 years.


BBD-0643 Name Metaphor Shadow
Age 23
Children None
Height 5' 5''
Weight 130 lbs
Weight before derby
Started July 2013
Key Position Jammer
Practice time per week 4 to 6 hours
Other Workout A few days a week I'll do some kind of activity, such as running, pilates, or strength exercises.
Diet I'm a vegetarian transitioning to a vegan diet.
Laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience I tried nearly every sport on the planet as a kid, but nothing stuck. I never thought of myself as an athlete until I started playing roller derby.


BBD-0983 Name Harper's Fury
Age 28
Children None
Height 5' 5"
Weight 136 lbs
Weight before derby 145 lbs
Started January 2013
Key Position Jammer
Practice time per week 4 to 6 hours
Other Workout running, weight training
Diet mostly vegetarian
Laps in 5 minutes 30 laps in 5 min
Previous Athletic Experience regular gym training (cardio, weights) 2-5 days a week for the past 10 years before derby.


BBD-0832 Name Laverne N. Surly
Age 37
Children None
Height 5' 7"
Weight I don't weigh myself
Weight before derby No idea
Started November 2005
Key Position Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 4 to 8 hours depending on the week
Other Workout Walking, plyo, yoga
Diet Conscientious Omnivore
Laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience Almost none, I was an inside kid.


BBD-0879 Name Matzah Maulher
Age 36
Children 2 Children ages 5 & 9
Height 5' 8”
Weight 189 lbs
Weight before derby 192 lbs
Started March 2013
Key Position Offensive & Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 6 hours
Other Workout Yes I like to ride bike when I have time and weather permitting. Although my time is limited I try to do yoga and interval training whenever possible.
Diet I don't believe in any particular diet I feel diets are a temporary fix. I have worked to change my eating habits by portion control, avoiding soda and drinks high in sugar. I never eat fast food and I try to stay away from processed foods as much as possible.
Laps in 5 minutes I'm not sure where I am currently. As of last season it was 28 1/2 laps in 5 mins.
Previous Athletic Experience I played a goalie position in field hockey while in high school.


BBD-0945 Name Pain Train
Age 36
Children 4 kids 17 15 9 3
Height 5’ 9”
Weight 164 lbs
Weight before derby 236 lbs
Started 2012
Key Position Jammer
Practice time per week 4 to 6 hours
Other Workout Running, biking, weights
Diet try to stay away from sweets
Laps in 5 minutes 31 laps in 5 min
Previous Athletic Experience None


BBD-0770 Name Starsky Anne Dutch
Age 46
Children 3 (26, 24 & 14)
Height 5' 7"
Weight 140ish
Weight before derby 145 lbs
Started July 2012
Key Position Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 4 to 6 hours
Other Workout Running and just recently joined a women's indoor field hockey team ;)
Diet Low carb & mostly whole foods when possible
Laps in 5 minutes 29?? laps in 5 min
Previous Athletic Experience Very limited...played softball & field hockey in elementary school


BBD-0616 Name Lurz Lemon
Age 28
Children 2 Mastiffs & a Pitbull
Height 5' 6"
Weight 150 lbs Gained muscle!
Weight before derby 140 lbs
Started 2012
Key Position Jammer
Practice time per week 7 hours
Other Workout Agility training, Weights, Hiking, Interval Training
Diet I make sure I eat a clean diet with lots of protein, and small meals throughout the day. And always have those cheat days for some ice cream.
Laps in 5 minutes 32 laps in 5 min
Previous Athletic Experience Soccer, Tennis, Indoor Track


BBD-1102 Name Thrill Murray
Age 30
Children None
Height 5' 5"
Weight 175 lbs
Weight before derby 225 lbs
Started Two and 1/2 years ago on my 28th birthday
Key Position Offensive & Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 4 to 6 hours
Other Workout Biking, running, swimming, and yoga.
Diet Gluten-free and primarily whole foods.
Laps in 5 minutes 31 laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience Long distance running


BBD-1013 Name Ida Myzer
Age 36
Children None
Height 5' 5"
Weight 156 lbs
Weight before derby about the same
Started 2011
Key Position Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 4 hours
Other Workout Cardio and an on-again-off-again relationship with Cross Fit
Diet No special diet. I eat three meals a day with snacks in between. I have a terrible sweet tooth!
Laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience I played tennis in high school. My real passion was music. I was in marching band in high school and college.


BBD-1079 Name Porsche Bloxter
Age 38
Children None
Height 5' 3"
Weight 160 lbs
Weight before derby 176 lbs
Started April 2010
Key Position Offensive & Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 4 - 6 hours
Other Workout

Crossfit 3x week
Occasional Mountain Biking
Occasional Running

Diet Paleo, about 90% of the time
Laps in 5 minutes No idea
Previous Athletic Experience

Just high school - Softball, volleyball, field hockey
Started working out at the gym 2 yrs prior to starting derby


Name Vanitti
Age 47
Children 15 year old son
Height 5' 0”
Weight 117 lbs
Weight before derby 117 lbs
Started January 2012
Key Position Jammer & Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 8 hours or more
Other Workout yoga & gym doing small muscle group exercises/strength
Diet I choose to not eat carbohydrates & keep fatty foods limited, eat organic as possible, take vitamins, utilize DoTerra Essential oils to try to eliminate any pills or prescriptions for aches & pains and keep consistent massage & chiropractor appointments to maintain body alignment.
Laps in 5 minutes
Previous Athletic Experience Gymnastics


BBD-0727 Name Mega Pixel
Age 26
Children None
Height 5' 0”
Weight Don't Care
Weight before derby Don't Know
Started January 2014
Key Position Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 4 to 6 hours
Other Workout Not really.
Diet Eat when I'm hungry.
Laps in 5 minutes 28 laps in 5 min
Previous Athletic Experience


BBD-0792 Name Mya Psychosis
Age 47
Children Two, ages 8 and 11
Height 5' 3" (if I stretch)
Weight 130-135 lbs
Weight before derby 158 lbs
Started August 2013
Key Position Jammer & Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 4 to 6 hours
Other Workout Unfortunately I don't.
Diet Not really, but I do try to to avoid, or go light on gluten.
Laps in 5 minutes I think it's 30 laps in 5 min
Previous Athletic Experience I speed skated for about a year when I was 9, rode horses in Jr high, other than that- nothing really.


BBD-0702 Name Kid Daver
Age 27
Children 2 - ages 6&9
Height 5' 4''
Weight before derby
Started March 2012
Key Position Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 4 to 6 hours
Other Workout crunches, squats, yoga - pretty much anything I'm able to do at home.
Diet I try to eat normal portions, and I've cut out soda and most junk food.
Laps in 5 minutes 30 laps in 5 min
Previous Athletic Experience None.


BBD-1149 Name The Spanish Incollision
Age 32
Children None
Height 5' 2"
Weight 129 lbs
Weight before derby 110 lbs
Started December 2007
Key Position Defensive Blocker
Practice time per week 4 to 6 hours
Other Workout I work out at the gym, mostly weights, and when the weather gets better.  I want to run more and make that a habit after I retire from derby. I also do yoga 2-3 times a week
Diet I used to be strict vegan, now I follow a mostly vegetarian/pescatarian diet.
Laps in 5 minutes 32 laps in 5 min
Previous Athletic Experience I played soccer some in high school and ran track, but never really excelled in any of that. After high school and before derby I didn't do any sports that wasn't just a pick up game at the park.


BBD-1038 Name Jocelyn Bassler
Age 34
Children Only furry ones!
Height 5’ 2”
Weight 134 lbs
Weight before derby 128 lbs
Started June 2007
Key Position Jammer
Practice time per week 4 to 6 hours
Other Workout I do Crossfit 3x a week - it has helped my game tremendously and made me a lot stronger. I love it! I also love to run and try to fit that in at least once a week when I can.
Diet I am mostly vegetarian (technically a pescetarian, I guess). I try to keep the prepackaged foods to a minimum and focus on protein, whole grains, fruits and veggies. Fortunately, eating well has always come pretty naturally to me (thanks, Mom and Dad!). However, I have a wicked sweet tooth. I try to keep it in check by allowing myself a little bit of chocolate every day. ALSO I LOVE PIZZA. ALL THE PIZZA WITH LOTS OF VEGGIES.
Laps in 5 minutes 27 laps in 3:59
Previous Athletic Experience I played soccer for most of my life. I ran cross-country in high school and continue to love long-distance running. I've also dabbled in martial arts (karate, jiu jitsu).


